Friday 9 January 2015

London (Where The Clouds Never Go Away)

You know the friend who you see in your phone contacts, or on your Facebook list of friends, and you think: ''Man, I really need to catch up with them at some point.''


This blog is certainly that friend.

I have been meaning to write a blog post for a while but my university work and general life madness has stopped me. Also, I guess it's hard to digest everything that has been happening over the past months...Let alone write a post about it.

Time is weird - it seems to raise and fall when you least expect it. When you don't want to be in a place, time seems to be endless, and when you are happy - or at least productive and busy - time slips away endlessly.

Moving to University has seem to move so quick, already I am about to begin my second term. 
One of the best things about moving to Univeristy and out of your house is that you really get to know yourself, you learn how to maintain your well being on your own account, and you get to know your passions, flaws,  and tendencies so much better then when you were younger.

Something I am more steadily aware of is my need to document things. Living in London, there is a constant wave of chaos around you - and I am constantly thinking of how I can remember my life here, whether it be writing it down, taking a less then impressive photo on my little nokia phone which resembles a brick, or just letting my senses explore the present - Being in the capital city is so incredibly strange but wonderful.

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