Tuesday 16 June 2015

Some Days Are Worse Then Others

It's currently two am and I am sitting in my university room, less then a week until I move out. As I start to take down my posters and clean out my belongings, I'm noticing the little scratches on the walls and eyeliner splashes across my mirror and sink basin. I find it funny, and also oddly beautiful, how a room can reflect the body; with all it's lumps and scars and stories written all over it. Then I think of my security deposit and it's certainly less beautiful..and how I'm supposed to make it look like I never lived here after all.

The pretentious kid inside of me want to leave a note between the crooks of my mattress, V for Vendetta style, but I doubt the next oblivious kid to inhabit the room will either A) be able to find it, B) care even if they did and C), it's not like I have anything profound to say anyway.

Looking at my 14/15 year old self, I think we have a lot of differences and similarities.  I'm still overly sentimental, I still find change difficult, but I also am much more adventurous, and much more equipped to deal with my fears.  Some days are worse then others,  some things suck more then others, some things are ridiculously scary - this is the case for the rest of your life. Over time you're going to find new ways deal with things, you're going to find self agency, and self believe. You're not always going to be that scared teenager who feels ridiculously lost in the world. 

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