Saturday 30 November 2013

Nanowrimo 2013

Nanowrimo 2013 is over, and I am happy to say that I was a part of it. Everyone involved with making this project so special should be given an award promptly.
I know this is going to sound ridiculously cheesy, but I am so incredibly thankful for everyone I get to connect with join nanowrimo. It’s so incredibly inspiring to see other writers seemingly do the impossible and also support you join the process. I have never met my writing buddies, but every year seeing their progress spurs me on, and I am so incredibly proud when I  get to see their bars turn into purple winners ones. This community is awesome, and it’s something I really miss throughout the year. 
This has been a hard month for me in lots of different ways - and in a shock turn of events - writing has actually allowed me to keep my sanity through it. (I know, right? Who would have thought?)
To the people who wrote 600 words to the people who wrote 60 thousand, be proud of yourself. This month you gave yourself the goal of creating something new, and regardless of how small or how big that thing is, you still did it. It doesn't matter what your end word count is, it matters that you allowed your imagination to really take a hold of it’s self. You’re all goddamn superheroes <3
 I’m definitely suffering the post wrimo- blues and I will miss the countless word sprints on twitter, the incredibly inspiring pep talks being delivered straight to your email, and the general buzz that you aren't doing it alone. 
it’s like, ”wow! you can finally watch new TV shows! you can make plans to see your friends! you can catch up on your work! YOU CAN HAVE YOUR LIFE BACK!” and you just instantly miss your unwashed greasy self slumped over your laptop with a cup of coffee.  It’s insanity but I love it.
This year I end my novel Shake The Stars From Your Skin at 56, 289 words.
To  the next year.

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